Explorers of the Deep STEM Challenge Kit

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Explorers of the Deep STEM Challenge Kit


“Overall a great kit to introduce audiences to the important role the ocean has on each of us no matter where we live.” – Liesl H. 
The 2022 STEM Challenge has been endorsed by the UN as a Decade of Ocean Science activity! 

Designed by Rutgers University, Explorers of the Deep, focuses on the mysteries and adventures of ocean exploration—with robots! Ocean exploration helps scientists prepare for and adapt to changing ocean conditions. Many of these changes in ocean conditions are affecting the environment, such as melting glaciers, increasing ocean temperatures, declining fisheries and an increase in frequency and severity of storms. Since Earth is an ocean planet, these impacts affect humans and organisms all around the world, regardless of their proximity to the ocean.

The three activities develop observational and critical thinking skills while exploring the interconnected nature between the ocean and humans, regardless of where they live. 

Youth learn foundational STEM skills while they wrestle with the same questions as today’s top oceanographers and scientists! Activities can be done all at once or individually, making it great for classrooms, afterschool programs, clubs, parents and more. Activities align to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Recommended Ages: 8-14

Challenge Activities

Ocean Robot Test TankGet your ocean robot ready for a research mission! Youth learn how to “ballast” their ocean robot by adding weights to create the sinking and floating behavior of a real ocean robot. They will investigate data collected by ocean robots and learn about the value of ocean exploration.

Ocean ExpeditionPlaying an ocean-inspired board game, youth navigate their ocean robot around the world while learning key ocean concepts such as aquaculture, climate change, technological innovation, human impact and the ocean ecosystem.

Ocean CommunicatorYouth investigate challenges that ocean scientists, engineers and technologists are currently exploring. Each challenge requires innovations and technical solutions that inspire public action.




What’s In The Box

Each Kit includes materials for 6 youth or more if rotating to participate in the offline activities at the same time.

•1 facilitator guide
•6 youth guides
•1 ocean glider card set
•1 ocean glider
•1 board game
•1 ocean communicator cards set

*Additional youth guides, ocean gliders, and board games can be purchased separately.

Guides & Resources

Click here to download the appropriate guides and resources.

Explorers of the Deep STEM Challenge Kit
