STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals

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STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals


In STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals, youth will gather the tools they’ll need to begin sewing, understand textiles through fun science experiments, learn beginning math and engineering techniques in clothing construction, and take their skills a step further, investigating businesses, service learning projects, and modeling.

This curriculum is a combined leader/youth guide, with pages to print off for youth to complete as part of the activities. FUNdamentals also introduces youth to the idea of a portfolio to document their work and track their progress as sewers by creating samples.

  • Grades 3-5.
  • 161 pages.
  • Curriculum authored by The University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Are you interested in learning more about the curriculum, straight from the author and a 4-H educator? Watch a webinar all about the curriculum, available here.


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STEAM Clothing 1: FUNdamentals
